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Media Posts
- Category: Asia
- India’s Counterforce Temptations: Strategic Dilemmas, Doctrine, and Capabilities
- China-US talks offer optimism at bleak time for arms control
- China’s Tests Are No Sputnik Moment
- The State of (Deterrence By) Denial
- Why China Wants More and Better Nukes: How Beijing’s Nuclear Buildup Threatens Stability
- The Fragile Balance of Terror: Deterrence in the New Nuclear Age
- A Tripolar Nuclear World: Challenges to Strategic Stability
- Alternative Nuclear Futures: Capability and Credibility Challenges for U.S. Extended Deterrence
- Then What? Assessing the Military Implications of Chinese Control of Taiwan
- China’s Waterlogged Missiles Don’t Matter
- How Much Risk Should the United States Run in the South China Sea?
- Should the United States Reject MAD? Damage Limitation and U.S. Nuclear Strategy toward China
- Defending the United States: Revisiting National Missile Defense against North Korea
- Correspondence: The Limits of Damage Limitation
- Behavioral Arms Control and East Asia
- The Meaning of China’s Nuclear Modernization
- Ambiguous Acknowledgement: Mutual Vulnerability During the Cold War and Lessons for US-China Relations
- North Korea’s Doctrinal Shifts Are More Dangerous Than Missile Launches
- Why North Korea Is Testing Missiles Again
- War of the Words: North Korea, Trump, and Strategic Stability
- Welcome to the H-Bomb Club, North Korea
- Deadly Overconfidence: Trump Thinks Missile Defenses Work Against North Korea, and That Should Scare You
- Trump’s big gamble on North Korea
- Korea’s Nuclear Nightmare Hasn’t Gone Away
- Korean War Remains Issue: Bones as Chips
- China and the New Strategic Nuclear Arms Race
- Diplomacy without Denuclearization: North Korea in 2018
- China, and North Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions
- China needs to play straight on New START nuclear treaty
- Negotiating with Great Powers on Nuclear Arms
- The U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Can Deter Both China and Russia: Why America Doesn’t Need More Missiles
- The Final Report of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States
- Myths or Moving Targets? Continuity and Change in China’s Nuclear Forces
- U.S. Nuclear Strategy toward China: Damage Limitation and Extended Deterrence
- Washington Is Avoiding the Tough Questions on Taiwan and China: The Case for Reconsidering U.S. Commitments in East Asia
- The Return of Nuclear Escalation: How America’s Adversaries Have Hijacked Its Old Deterrence Strategy
- Category: Bipartisanship
- Congressional Nuclear Security Working Group to Hold Briefing on Upcoming NPR on August 31st
- INF Treaty: The Problem with the Arms Control Community
- The Trump administration is preparing a major mistake on the INF Treaty
- Extending New START Is in America’s National Security Interest
- Experts React to the New Missile Defense Strategy
- Increasing Awareness Among Young Americans and Lessening the Civil-Military Divide
- Reassuring Allies and Strengthening Strategic Stability: An Approach to Nuclear Modernization for Democrats
- General (ret.) Arlen “Dirk” Jameson: “The New START Treaty is of great value to U.S. national security”
- The U.S. Needs a New ICBM Now
- Nuclear Weapons Essay: Rust to Obsolescence or Modernize to Credibility?
- A Strategic Posture for a New Era: Introducing the Congressional Strategic Posture Report
- Looming Decisions on U.S. Nuclear Force Size and Spending
- Category: Government
- The Air Force Launch Plan Must Work
- Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy: A Conversation with HPSCI Chairman Mike Turner
- Escalation by Tweet: Managing the new nuclear diplomacy
- A Strategic Cyber No-First-Use Policy? Addressing the US Cyber Strategy Problem
- Should the U.S. Really be Testing Nukes Now?
- 10 years after Obama’s nuclear-free vision, the US and Russia head in the opposite direction
- 3Q: Barry Posen on the NATO Summit and state of the alliance
- “Introducting Net Assessment”
- “FY 2018 Endgame: Assessing the State of Defense”
- “Remembrance of War as Warning”
- “The Russian Threat You’re Not Hearing About”
- “How to Strike a Missile Deal with Iran”
- Russian Nuclear Forces and Prospects for Arms Control
- Category: Nonproliferation policy
- IAEA mildly reprimands Iran over suspect nuclear sites
- House of Cards? Nuclear Norms in an Era of Strategic Competition
- Why Putin’s Betrayal of Ukraine Could Trigger Nuclear Proliferation
- The Iraq War’s Worst Legacy: Endless Confrontation With Iran
- Strategies of Nuclear Proliferation: How States Pursue the Bomb
- Don’t Sink the Nuclear Submarine Deal: The Benefits of AUKUS Outweigh the Proliferation Risks
- Reimagining Nuclear Arms Control: A Comprehensive Approach
- America’s Failing Iran Nuclear Policy: Time for a Course Adjustment
- How Israel’s Nuclear Monopoly Affects Proliferation in the Middle East
- Better Monitoring and Better Spying: The Implications of Emerging Technology for Arms Control
- America Loses Big as Trump Jettisons the Nuclear Deal
- The 2020 NTI Nuclear Security Index
- What the latest IAEA reports mean for the future of the Iran Nuclear Deal
- More Iranian Sanctions For What Purpose?
- “Iran: Military Spending, Modernization, and the Shifting Military Balance in the Gulf”
- “North Korea’s Nuclear Program Isn’t Going Anywhere”
- Now what? Trump could make a deal with Europe regarding Iran
- Category: NSWG news
- Climate Change as a National Security Threat and What to Do About it
- Will Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder Help End the Ghastly War in Yemen?
- Leon Panetta’s Nightmare is Today’s National Security Crisis
- Rethinking the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons and American Grand Strategy
- Announcing the 2019 Congressional Nuclear Security Fellows
- The 2018 War on the Rocks Holiday Reading List
- Offensive cyber operations in US national security
- NATO “Burden Sharing”: The Need for Strategy and Force Plans, Not Meaningless Percentage Goals
- Against the Great Powers: Reflections on Balancing Nuclear and Conventional Power
- Strategy for (Modestly Increasing the Chance of) Saving the INF Treaty
- The Consequences of US Withdrawal from the INF Treaty
- The INF Treaty Hamstrings the US – Trump is Right to Leave It
- Redefining NATO Security Investment: Moving Beyond 2%
- Category: Nuclear Bipartisanship
- Category: Publications
- Tripolar Instability: Nuclear Competition Among the United States, Russia, and China
- Why Russia Keeps Rattling the Nuclear Saber
- Two Myths about Counterforce
- Legal, but Lethal: The Law of Armed Conflict and US Nuclear Strategy
- The Danger of Minimum Deterrence
- US Strategy and Force Posture for an Era of Nuclear Tripolarity
- The World’s Most Dangerous Man: Putin’s Unconstrained Power Over Russia’s Nuclear Arsenal
- Book Review Roundtable: The Meaning of the Nuclear Revolution 30 Years Later
- “Nuclear War” Book & Jacobson’s Nuclear Confusion
- Nuclear stability for all put at risk by Putin’s speech
- A Credible Grand Strategy: The Urgent Need to Set Priorities
- Holding one’s nerve in the face of Russian nuclear threats
- The New Nuclear Reality
- The logic for US ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
- Is This a Sputnik Moment?
- Integrated Arms Control in an Era of Strategic Competition
- The Myth of “Just” Nuclear Deterrence: Time for a New Strategy to Protect Humanity from Existential Nuclear Risk
- Oppenheimer and the pursuit of nuclear disarmament
- The Domestic Politics of Nuclear Choices— A Review Essay
- Nuclear Deterrence: Unsafe at Machine Speed
- What do Americans really think about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
- “Training the Military for the Next War”
- NC3: Challenges Facing the Future System
- Unattainable conditions for New START extension?
- Wormhole Escalation in the New Nuclear Age
- The Military Case for Extending the New START Agreement
- Fit for Purpose? The U.S. Strategic Posture in 2030 and Beyond
- Category: U.S. Strategy
- Compelling with the Bomb? Revisiting the Effectiveness of Nuclear Compellent Threats
- America shouldn’t insist on a strategic defeat of Russia
- It’s hard times now — and ahead — for US-Russian nuclear arms control
- The Predictable Hazards of Unpredictability: Why Madman Behavior Doesn’t Work
- Nuclear Threats and the Role of Allies: A Conversation with Acting Assistant Secretary Vipin Narang
- How would Trump and Biden handle US nuclear policy upon reelection?
- The United States Should Not Further Loosen Its Prohibition on Ukraine’s Using U.S.-Supplied Weapons to Strike Russia
- A New Transatlantic Division of Labor Could Save Billions Every Year!
- The New Era of Counterforce: Technological Change and the Future of Nuclear Deterrence
- The Discrimination Problem: Why Putting Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons on Submarines is so Dangerous
- The Rule of Law and the Role of Strategy in U.S. Nuclear Doctrine
- When Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Adversary Perceptions of Nuclear No-First-Use Pledges
- The Case for Caution on Crimea
- An expert proposal: How to limit presidential authority to order the use of nuclear weapons
- The 100th Episode: Is a Major War Coming?
- Nuclear misconceptions must not inform US weapons policy
- How Americans Feel About Going to (Nuclear) War
- Modernizing America’s Nuclear Capabilities Is a Must
- Category: Uncategorized
- North Korea and Denuclearization
- U.S. Nuclear Policy in the Season Finale of "Madam Secretary"
- The NPR, North Korea, and the Use of Nuclear Weapons
- Dr. Tong Zhao on China and North Korea
- Dr. Jeffrey Lewis on "The 2020 Commission Report"
- Dinner on INF Treaty
- Dinner on Nuclear Modernization in the Context of Arms Control
- "the bomb" Screening at the National Academy of Sciences