Brigadier General (Ret.) Bob Barnes

Brigadier General (Ret.) Bob Barnes

Senior Policy Advisor
Center for Climate and Security

Brigadier General Bob Barnes is Senior Fellow at, and member of the Advisor Board of, the Center for Climate and Security, where he provides policy advice on addressing the security implications of climate change. He retired from the Army as a Brigadier General in 2001, after 32 years of service. He is a recognized expert on environmental security, interagency and public-private collaboration on climate change and other environmental matters with national security implications.

Brigadier General Bob Barnes is a Senior Fellow at, and member of the Advisor Board of, the Center for Climate and Security, where he provides policy advice on addressing the security implications of climate change. He retired from the Army as a Brigadier General in 2001, after 32 years of service.   

Following his retirement from the Army, General Barnes participated in a two-year MIPT-Kennedy School study on balancing security and civil liberties and served as a consultant to the World Bank on ethics and integrity. He then served as a Senior Policy Advisor for The Nature Conservancy, focusing on environmental security, interagency, public-private collaboration on climate change and other environmental matters with national security implications.

He started his career as an Air Defense Officer, and among other assignments commanded nuclear custodial units associated with allied Nike Hercules air defense units in Europe. After being selected for the Funded Legal Education Program, he transferred to the Judge Advocate General’s Corps in 1977. His last JAGC assignment was as the Assistant Judge Advocate General of the Army (Civil Law and Litigations). From 1989-91 he served as the Deputy Legal and Legislative Counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, where his duties included addressing operational and other legal issues during Operations Just Cause, Desert Shield/Storm, and other contingency operations.