The Nuclear Security Working Group’s Congressional Fellowship program provides highly qualified up-and-coming national security professionals with an opportunity to spend a year working in the United States Congress.
The application for the NSWG Fellowship for the Class of 2025 will close December 15th, 2024. Please see below for application requirements!

- Applicants should be U.S. citizens and have no conflicts of interest impeding appointment to a NSWG Fellowship. Fellows may not be Federal employees or full time Federal contractors as of January 1, 2025.
- Up to four Fellows will be placed in an equal number of Democratic and Republican offices in the Senate and House.
- Fellows work full-time from January 2025 to December 2025, and must commit to the full year.
- Fellows will be paid an annual stipend of up to $80,000 depending on qualifications.
- Fellows receive their stipends as scholarship awards, and are not eligible for benefits (i.e. health insurance).
- GWU administers the Fellowship competition. A committee of senior GWU faculty/NSWG experts selects finalists, who may then be interviewed and offered a Fellowship by host offices.
- GWU manages all administrative arrangements pertaining to the Fellowship; host offices will make final selections, decide office assignments and assign Fellows’ responsibilities.
Application and Placement Process
- Interested candidates who meet the eligibility requirements can apply online.
- The application consists of:
- A complete application questionnaire
- A resume
- A one-page statement of interest
- A letter of recommendation from an advisor, professor, or colleague with first-hand knowledge of the individual’s professional experience and qualifications
- (Please note: the application asks applicants to submit information for three professional references, one of whom may also contribute the letter.)
- NSWG staff conducts initial interviews to assess an applicant’s fit and qualifications.
- Hosting offices interview finalists and extend offers.
- Individuals who accept a fellowship must agree to serve for a full year.
- Direct all application materials to
- The 2025 application will open in September 2024 for fellowships beginning early in January 2025 (start date to be finalized upon selection by host office).
- Multiple interviews are conducted through October and November.
- Hosting offices make selections in late November/early December.
- Fellows begin placements in January 2025
Fellowship Program Details
- Fellows are treated as a member of the staff and are assigned responsibilities and duties based on the needs of the office.
- Typical Fellow responsibilities include
- Preparing senior staff and Members/Senators for hearings, meetings, and briefings;
- Sharing their expertise on a range of national security issues, as requested by their supervisors;
- Answering constituent inquiries;
- Contributing to the priorities of their Members/Senators, under the direction of senior office staffers.
- Fellows are also encouraged to forge professional relationships with colleagues with an interest in nuclear/national security issues from both sides of the aisle and deepening their professional relationships with the Washington policy community.
- Fellows are selected on the basis of professional experience, communications skills, specialized knowledge and professional references.
- While Fellows do not need extensive experience in nuclear policy, qualified applicants will have a strong record of professional achievement in national security roles in government, the military, academia or the private sector.
- Candidates should hold a graduate degree in a relevant field, including international affairs, economics, defense planning, or a policy-relevant area of the physical sciences.
- Applicants must be U.S. citizens at the time the Fellowship begins.
- If applicants are enrolled in an academic program, they must have completed their studies when the fellowship begins (by January of the year).
- Applicants may not be Federal employees or contractors when the Fellowship begins.
Fellowship Award
- Fellows are awarded a stipend of up to $80,000, based on past experience.
- Fellows receive their stipends as independent contractors, are not eligible for benefits and are not considered employees of the George Washington University or the Congress.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be an expert in nuclear issues?
In assessing an applicant, we look not just at nuclear expertise but also experience and familiarity with related issues, such as cybersecurity, military space, CBRNE threats, or strategic studies. We also assess candidates’ interpersonal and communications skills and their ability to learn quickly. However, successful candidates will have a basic familiarity with nuclear policy before applying.
Do I get to choose which Member/Senator I work for?
Hosting offices decide to which applicants they wish to extend offers. While we do our best to identify offices and applicants that may be good fits for each other, we cannot guarantee that applicants will be made offers by their preferred offices. In the spirit of non-partisan dialogue and cooperation, we ask that applicants accept an offer if one is made.
What if I don’t feel comfortable working for member of a different political party or different political views than my own?
Hosting offices share a commitment to promoting bipartisan discourse on nuclear and national security issues. Fellows are not asked to contribute time or effort to the political activities of their Member/Senator. However, Fellows do work as a Member/Senator’s staffer and might be asked to do work that advances the Member/Senator’s policy priorities. We ask our participating offices and Fellows to use good judgment regarding politically sensitive issues. We also understand that a good fit between Fellows and offices is crucial to sustaining a productive work environment, and try to resolve any major issues during the placement process.
Can I publish and continue to use social media during my Fellowship?
As staffers, Fellows’ words and deeds reflect on their Members and Senators. In general, Congressional staffers do not publish or engage in extensive social media commentary. We ask that Fellows exercise the same restraint on any publicly available platforms. Limited exceptions may be made for publications in progress at the time the Fellowship begins, particularly those of a technical or scientific nature. Any political commentary or public statements, including on social media, that reflect poorly on the Member/Senator or the Member/Senator’s state or colleagues, is grounds for removal from the Fellowship program. Fellows should exercise good judgment during the application process and during their Fellowship year regarding private social media activities.
Do you provide housing or medical benefits?
The Fellowship is primarily an educational opportunity. As such, the only compensation we provide is a competitive stipend. Fellows should arrange their own housing and medical insurance. Fellows also receive a travel budget for Fellowship-related travel.
Is the stipend award considered taxable income?
Yes. A stipend is a form of scholarship and, to the extent it is not used for tuition and required fees or books, it is considered taxable income both for federal and state income tax purposes. The George Washington University does not provide a tax form at year end reporting the stipend, so the recipient should “self-report” this income on his/her tax return. Travel funds are not considered income.
Interested In Hosting a Fellow?
We welcome inquiries from House and Senate offices interested in hosting a Nuclear Security Fellow. Please send your inquiry to Jonathan Garcia at