The 2020 NTI Nuclear Security Index
“Progress on global nuclear security has slowed significantly over the past two years, despite sizeable gaps that continue to leave nuclear materials and facilities vulnerable to theft and acts of sabotage. The 2020 NTI Nuclear Security Index finds that although a great deal of work remains to protect materials and facilities against increasingly capable extremist groups, the rate of improvement to national regulatory structures and the global nuclear security architecture has declined since 2018. This reverses a trend of substantial improvements made between 2012 and 2018, and it comes at a time when prospects for improving efforts to prevent nuclear terrorism are complicated by growing global disorder and disruption. ”
Read the full report co-authored by Ambassador Laura S. H. Holgate and Samantha Neakrase, originally published on July, 22nd, 2020, by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, here.
(Image credit: International Atomic Energy Agency)